When you need a tree removed, you might put it off under the illusion that it’s unaffordable. The problem arises when you start weighing up the risks involved with not removing the tree if it’s old or dangerous. Even if you require a tree’s removal as an aesthetic preference, you might still be unsure of how much it costs to hire a tree surgeon.
At Arborclimb, we’re big fans of customer transparency, which is why we’re here to clear up any confusion about how much it costs to remove a tree on the Sunshine Coast. It’s more affordable than you think – and always worth it!
First of all, when considering tree removal, you need to have an idea of why it needs to be completely removed rather than simply pruned. If a storm has happened, then damage to trees is a common occurrence, so if you notice anything untoward about a tree on your property after high winds or a lightning storm, then we’d recommend calling our specialist team to, at minimum, check it over. Sometimes, a tree can’t be saved, in which case we’ll let you know the next steps while on site.
You may need a tree removed due to old age. Trees do eventually die – falling over isn’t a prerequisite! – and when this happens, it’s typically unsightly and you’ll want it taken down. You may also have too many trees on your land, which is particularly problematic if you’re trying to instigate new growth but are unable to because of the root span and shade of a particularly large tree.
Now you know why tree removal is sometimes necessary, let’s break down the costs.
The short answer is no. Whenever you’re considering removing a tree, you need to weigh up risk vs. reward. If the tree looks dodgy – and you don’t always need an expert tree surgeon to spot an unsafe tree – then it’s always worth the cost. Nothing is more valuable than making an area safe by removing a tree!
Cost is also enormously subjective, depending on the scale of the task. Tree surgeons typically charge per hour per person, as it’s never a one-man (or even two-man) job, so it’s important to be aware of this. However, don’t anticipate that all tree removal services cost the same. A large, mature tree on a complex site, such as a steep hill or somewhere with limited access, is almost guaranteed to cost more than a smaller, relatively young tree that’s unfortunately got to be removed. That’s why it’s worth evaluating the severity of the situation before you’re certain that the tree must be taken down.
Imagery from Go Tree Quotes.
Before you decide to remove a tree on your property, it would help to know the number of ways in which the cost can fluctuate between $225 to nearly $4,000. We touched upon size as having a potential impact on the price, but there is still more to it than that.
As mentioned above, the cost of tree removal partly depends on if the tree is big or small. Larger trees are always going to cost more to cut down because they will have additional branches; this could also necessitate special equipment to work on the tree. A larger tree might even take up to three days to be fully cleared.
A lot of this will also depend on the specific type of tree – for example, a birch tree is quite thin and does not grow as large as some other types, meaning it will be much easier and cheaper to remove than a fully-grown oak tree.
It may be that you need multiple trees cut down, but more trees will inevitably mean more fees. When you get a quote for tree removal, make sure that you’re clear on how many trees have to be removed – otherwise, you may end up being surprised by a significantly higher cost. This also helps the company prepare for a long day, which will again impact the price.
If the tree is inconveniently placed, it will require extra time and effort to be properly removed. The branches can’t simply be clipped and allowed to fall to the ground. If this happens, they might hit a delicate part of the surrounding area. The branches must instead be slowly lowered to the ground, as must any other tree debris that an arborist removes. As you can imagine, the longer that this process takes, the higher the cost.
Some arborists (not all) have a callout charge which can be up to $500. It’s important that you factor this into your estimations and budget and that you make sure to check whether a callout charge is included with the final bill.
It is not as simple as asking if you can have a tree chopped down – you will have to give as many details about the situation as you can to your arborist. Basically, you should let them know everything that impacts the price and gives them a good idea of what to expect upon their arrival. On top of the previous factors, you should provide information on the health of the tree as well as anything else which you think is relevant.
Every tree removal situation is different, which is why, if the tree you need to remove is growing on the Sunshine Coast, it’s time to contact Arborclimb .
We have an extensive range of tree care services, covering everything from outright tree removal to stump grinding , from Maroochydore to Golden Beach. We’re happy to give you a free quote – just chat with our pro tree team to get started!
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